Tuesday, March 24, 2009

29 Weeks & Water Works

Sweet - we made it 29 weeks! And we are SO incredibly thankful. But do you remember how I said that anything can happen on any day? Last night was interesting ... suffice it to say that eating a fantastic grilled cheese sandwich from the grill downstairs at 11:00 last night made Baby A rather feisty. Feisty enough to break his water around 3:00 AM ... yeah, it's true. (I probably forgot to tell you that the doctors came back to say that they think it was initially Baby B's water that broke over a month ago and not Baby A.) At this point though, it doesn't really matter who's doing what or when. We just had an ultrasound yesterday and Baby's A fluid was around 4 cm. Today it's a little over 1.3 cm. I'm not sure what else to think except that Baby A was not happy with Baby B getting all the attention and needed some .. of course, I don't REALLY think that and I don't think it was the grilled cheese either. But needless to say, we're into new territory now.

This is what we know: there is a higher chance of me going into labor now that both waters are broken, they will more than likely give me two more shots of steroids (known as a rescue dose) to try and help the babies lungs develop some more, I will be monitored more often to make sure I'm not having contractions, there is a higher chance of an infection setting in since Baby A is lower and more exposed to potential bacteria and we still wait. Just because Baby A's water has broken does not automatically mean delivery thank goodness. But overall, it probably means that delivery is more imminent than it was yesterday and our 32 week goal may or may not be reached.

So please continue to pray - that I won't go into labor, that the babies are developing even now and will be ready to come (later than sooner), for health for them, for trust for me and for strength for Justin. We need your prayers today just as badly as we did at the very beginning of all of this. And we're so thankful for them. We know that God is not surprised by this little turn of events and that he is faithful.



Heather said...

Hi Kris!! So excited about your blog!!! Yeah!! I love reading your stories b/c I feel like you are talking to me in person. Praying for you guys everyday and every night. I think about you all the time. Love you friend!

Keli B. said...

We're excited about your blog too! Can't wait for more posts! We'll continue praying for your growing family.