April 16, 2009
11:19 AM
4 pounds 2 ounces
Jackson is doing well. They removed his nasal gastric tube yesterday (basically a feeding tube). His IV came out a few days ago and now he is just wearing heart and breathing monitors and is doing great. He is back up to his birth weight and is taking his bottles and nursing well. This past week we have been to the hospital two times a day and I'm not sure what our schedule will be like for the next several weeks. We can be there in the NICU 22 hours a day if we want to, but we can only hold, feed and change him every three hours so we try to be there for at least two care times during the day.
I am recovering well, but my feet are still swollen to twice their normal size and I get tired pretty easily. Other than that, I'm hanging in there. Enjoy the pictures :)
Beautiful boy to quote the Beatles. Take care of yourselves! It is easy to over do it after you have a baby. We are so glad that he is here and safe and doing well. You are still in our prayers.
The Cochrans
What a precious family. You continue to be in our prayers. Thanks for letting us take a peek!
Jeff & Dianne
Holy smokes! Adorable to the max! Nella used the soothie pacifiers too; I love how giant they look in a newborn's mouth! Thanks for the pictures. Take care, Key family.
He is just so adorable!!! So sweet!! Thanks for the update. Make sure you are resting well!!! Love you!
He's precious!
Thanks for keeping us updated! I'm so glad he's doing so well (and he's super cute)!
He is so gorgeous!!! We have printed off the pics to show off. No one believed us about the hair. He looks so big! CAn't wait to see him again and FINALLY get to hold him.
Aunt Brooke
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