Monday, February 1, 2010

Before and After

So for some reason one of the pictures didn't get downloaded from my camera - I have a feeling that it could have been operator error but we'll call it a fluke instead :)

Here is the before picture of one half of the room (which coincidentally doesn't even look all that bad) and the after pics. I'll try to do better next time. I guess if you were able to see the inch of dust on the furniture that would have helped my case. I was even able to get all of our drawers reorganized and cleaned the baseboards as well. And of course, one pic of a little guy who didn't want to smile today and one from last week. Poor fella is in need of a haircut - his hair is so unruly and gets so much static it's hard to contain!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Okay, so I KNOW that in your mind your bedroom was dirty and I BELIEVE you about the dust, but seriously you are making me look really bad--- you should see our ENTIRE house!! I don't even know where to start. I think I will take your advice and just focus on our bedroom too today! Love you friend, and love reading your blog!!