Friday, May 1, 2009

Teeny Tiny Post ...

to let you know that we made it home with Jackson. And it's good to be home with him. A little nerve racking, but hey, isn't that every new parent? We'll update as we have time.


AshleyA said...

oh my gosh! That's awesome! We're just down the road if you need us! ;)

Heather said...

Yeah!!! That's so great. Now the real fun begins. Ha!! And let me just tell you I was a mess at first with Carli at home, it's normal. At least that's what Sarah Fae told me, Ha!!! I've been thinking about you all day. Wondering if you are able to breastfeed, if Jackson is even interested, if your milk even came in?? I know that can be so stressful, so I was just checking on you. Love you friend. Give me a call if you are having to pump!!

Emily York said...

You're going to do glad he is home. Relax and enjoy - I know, easier said than done - but no matter what you do, Jackson will think you are the best... :)

SarahFae said...

Thanks Heather for ratting me out! ha Yeah, I was a nervous wreck...they really should give you more instructions before they let you just take a baby home! I mean, seriously, it's a human, not a new electronic gadget or something...and at least most gadgets come with a manual & an off button. Thank goodness for a calm husband who didn't lose his mind like I did! Keep us posted on how you're doing...feel free to shoot us an email if you have a question! Love you!