Friday, March 27, 2009

Did I say uneventful?

So I'm learning not to speak too soon, but since you never know what's going to happen, I guess there will always be times when you claim something and then the opposite happens.

Which is what happened last night .. had a good day and we were just waiting for the nurse to come in with a sleeping pill that is magic. About that time, I noticed what I thought was fluid leaking (sorry if this is too much information, but if you want to know what's going on, you're going to get it all from me). No big deal for someone whose water has been broken for over a month - happens all the time. But I soon realized that it was much more than what I'd experienced before .. and by the time I got up to see what was going on, I had been bleeding for a little while and there was quite a bit. I quickly entered panic mode and Justin called the nurse. Once she saw our dilemma, she went directly to page the on call doctor who called back with instructions for me - start an IV, continuous monitoring and watch the bleeding to see if it let up any.

By the time she comes back, I'm shaking so hard I can barely stand. I thought I would break down in tears, but I think by Justin and both nurses being so calm, I was able to hold it together. But last night was long - I had meds about every three hours and since I had the monitors on non-stop, it was a little uncomfortable.

This morning they took me right away to have an ultrasound done and the babies continue to look fine. They drew blood to make sure my blood platelets were still okay (a sign of losing too much blood is low platelet counts) and everything came back fine. The high risk doctor is having me monitored this morning and won't let me eat or drink anything, just in case we need to deliver. And by this point, I AM HUNGRY! If you know me well, you already know that one thing I can't handle is missing a meal - it makes me fiercer than almost anything. So I'm praying for patience :) But thankfully so far everything continues to check out fine and so long as I don't keep bleeding heavily, they will just continue to watch all of the factors before doing anything serious. The bleeding has slowed down immensely since midnight last night - a definite praise. By the way, just in case some might be wondering, there is no way to tell what may be causing this to happen - could be the placenta or something else totally different.

But goodness, I'm tired ... not so much physically, but emotionally and spiritually. It seems as though at least one big, isolated thing happens each week and just when we think that we've been going along with no other hitches, here one comes. Frankly, it's getting old and it's hard to be excited when so much has happened. I know the truth that God is with us and that he is the one responsible for creating these babies and knows them so deeply and because of that I trust him. But there are moments when I feel so alone that I can't help but doubt. That's when I ask God to help my unbelief.

I'm still waiting for my primary doctor to come by - she's always the easiest to understand and the most cautious in terms of procedural type stuff. I know I'll feel better once I've gotten the chance to talk to her and see what's she's thinking. She's going on vacation tomorrow, so I'm a little uneasy about that :)

Thanks for praying - we appreciate it and could not do this alone.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us so up todate Kristi! You are never alone! God's gonna take care of you guys like he has in the past! I'm praying losts for you!!!

Anonymous said...

We are earnestly praying for you all, each & everyday, sometimes more than that!! Always have you in our thoughts & prayers. :)
-Tiffany Ingram

SarahFae said...

We'll certainly be praying for you guys...I guess one thing that is consistent in most all pregnancies is that you never really know what's going on and you never really know when you're going to deliver! We'll be praying for later rather than sooner, but know that nothing surprises God either way. Keep reading Phil not be anxious, pray, peace that passes understanding, contentment, and God meeting all our needs. Just a classic chapter that covers it all. Love you guys!

SarahFae said...

PS - I love your blog & am enjoying the enhancements you make! I need to find a cool design for mine...where did you get this one? (And yes I realize you have more important things going on, but I'm slightly jealous of your coolness! :) )