Tuesday, April 7, 2009

31 Weeks

Okay people, it's T minus 10 minutes until Biggest Loser so this will quick :) Things here are going well. Today I am 31 weeks pregnant and the babies looked great on the ultrasound yesterday morning. They are scoring 6/8 on their biophysical profiles and the only reason they are losing the two points is because their aminotic fluid levels are low. But with both of their waters being broken, that's pretty amazing we think. In short, their movements are still good, still practicing their breathing and have good tone (which just kind of means that they don't look all lethargic in there).

The doctors continue to be pleased with our progress - I think most of them are super surprised that we've made it this far with no infection and no labor happening. God has answered our prayers (as well as yours) and we're so thankful. Each week is a huge deal, even though it still seems so early. But when you compare 31 to 25 when we first got here, those 6 weeks are simply huge. And with them coming within the next three weeks for sure, I think the realization is starting to set in even more ... when we leave, we'll be parents .. of not one baby, but two! Oh. my. goodness. Wow. I promise you that we'll still need your prayers after they get here :)

I have to admit that I am a wee bit nervous about the delivery for several reasons. First, the only major thing I've ever had done is have four stitches put in my chin when I cut it open playing volleyball in high school. You surely noticed that I referred to that experience as major! I do realize that that wasn't really major, but can you see why I'm anxious over something like this? I'm trying to keep myself calm and praying about it every time it crosses my mind, which is several times a day. One of the doctors also told me that if the delivery is predictable (meaning that things start to look as if we need to deliver and there's time to plan ahead a little) then they will try to give me another dose of magnesium as it has been shown to help prevent certain brain injuries that can occur in premature babies during delivery. So, knowing how much that made me out if it before, maybe I'll be a little less anxious because I won't be feeling well. But then I worry about not being able to be with it when the babies are born. Of course, they won't let me hold the babies or anything anyway, so I'm trying to look on the bright side. Justin will have about 2 minutes to take some pictures.

I am also hoping and praying that the recovery goes well - since I haven't been too mobile for the past two months, I'm wondering if the recovery will take a little longer than usual. But again, I'm just trying to trust that God knows exactly what we need we when need it. Easier said than done sometimes as most of you know :)

That's it for now - I'm putting the computer away to enjoy some of my favorite TV shows. I have no idea who I want to win this season!

Some random things for you ...

I hope I never take being able to sleep in the same bed as my husband in my own home for granted again.

I'll be glad when I can once again put the shampoo within reach in the shower - the showers definitely aren't made for any person bigger than a five year old.

I miss my dog Anabelle like crazy and I can't wait to be at home and have her at home again. Here's hoping she likes the babies.

We're closer to deciding on both names - although we could change our minds at any given time.

We're thankful for the people who will be putting our cribs together tomorrow night.

I'm having two corndogs and fries for dinner tomorrow night - you may not think that is a big deal, but for someone who doesn't eat corndogs, it is. Suffice it to say that after 6 weeks here, the food options are not that appealing so I took the first additional option she offered.

I'll say more randonmess for another time - have a great night!


SarahFae said...

31 weeks rocks...and so do corndogs! !

Heather said...

Corndogs!!! Yummy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!I think of all of you often and praise God that He is good! Have a blessed Easter Key family.

Laura Cochran said...

You're going to be fine during delivery. Recovery (no matter how you deliver) can be trying, but it is very temporary compared to the lifetime you will have with your children. When Eli (our first) was born I was really nervous because it is major and you've never done it before,...but your doctors have! You'll do great and even if you are out of it for a little while it won't be long til you will be with them and completely with it...if moms ever become with it again. I'll let you know when I get there:) Keep the updates coming we love keeping up with you!
The Cochrans