Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our babies ...

First of all, thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, encouraging words and support. Kristi and I are settled back into our room, which they so graciously allowed us to return to so that we had the benefit of some familiarity. We are trying to rest our minds/hearts and just allow God to go to work on and in us during this time.

Second, let me officially announce to you the birth of our two babies. First came Jackson Willis Key, who weighed in at a massive 4.3 lbs. Jackson was a name we liked, and Willis is a very old family name from my side. He has settled in very well to the NICU and is already starting to feed. He did not need any assistance breathing and they are very encouraged all around. We are so very excited!

Following close behind was Leatta Addison Key at a whopping 3.3 lbs. Addison was a named we liked, and Leatta was Kristi’s mother’s name. Upon arriving she immediately began experiencing complications with her breathing, and after examination they discovered that her lungs were not developed well at all, something we knew was a possibility. They worked very hard and did everything they could to get her stabilized, but her lungs just could not pump the oxygen she needed (for several reasons that could not possibly be remedied medically). Essentially, 18-20 weeks of having virtually no fluid prevented her ability to develop strong lungs. As her condition soon began to digress rapidly, we went to the NICU to spend time with her and she passed away in the afternoon hours. The doctor’s have continually reaffirmed with us that everything we could possibly do for her was done.

Thirdly, we know that everyone loves their children, but as first time parents let us say it for the first time to all reading that we love Jackson and Addison with all our hearts. It has been a joy and privilege to care for and honor God’s gift, even in the toughest of times. God knew the day April 16, 2009 and prepared us for it. For those of you who know Kristi, then you know that being on bed-rest went against every fiber of her being, but she did it and did so with the greatest balance of grace and toughest I’ve ever witnessed. She is amazing and is my hero. As she held Jackson last night in the midst of myself and her brothers and sister, I couldn’t help but lean over to them and say “she’s gonna be good at this.” They concurred.

Lastly, I go back to the first… How could we ever thank all of you – our friends, family, co-workers, etc., etc. – for all that you have done to encourage and support us? Furthermore, how could we ever thank the hospital staff and doctors who have simply astounded us with their care? Listen, I’m not even kidding, the hospital crew have mesmerized us with blessings from God and most don’t even know it, which in a certain way makes it that much more grand. I could write a whole note on the nurses, doctors, housecleaners, food service people, etc. The same goes for all of you as well. You have all been God’s presence and blessing.


Unknown said...

Justin and Kristi,
Since you started this blog, I have been faithfully reading. So often, I felt as though I were reading my daily devotion. Your words ( which I know are so heartfelt) encouraged me and gave me so much insight. Making me examine myself. Please just know that I continue to pray for you all! God bless you for your witness and I pray that He continue to cover you and hold you close. Hugs - Kristi Davis

April said...

Dear Justin & Kristi,
I am Melissa Pryer's friend & have been praying for each of you since Melissa shared the prayer request. I have been praying for you these last couple of days & will continue to do so. I imagine these days will be bittersweet. Jackson will be the best medicine for your hearts so spend this time loving on him & allowing yourself time to grieve your little baby girl too. Thank you for sharing your story & strong testimony during what has been a long journey. I am excited to see how the Lord will continue to use both of you & precious Jackson!
Blessings, April Houston

Heather said...

I'm not even sure what to say, except that I love you guys. You both are so brave. Please know that I would be there in a heartbeat if I could have been. Brian and I have and continue to pray for you guys each night. I love Leatta Addison's name. So precious and beautiful. Kiss that sweet baby Jackson for me.
I love you!


SarahFae said...

Oh friend, our hearts are grieving and rejoicing with you. It is only the knowledge that our great God is sufficient in all things that we hope brings you His peace that surpasses understanding. Know that our offer any point in the next few weeks or months we would love to serve you. We can't wait to see pics!
The Stuehlmeyers

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. May God bless both of you and your precious baby boy.

Amy said...

I'm sure it is so hard to be experiencing such pain and joy at the same time. I praise God that He can provide all of the comfort and healing you need. I will continue to pray for the strength and growth of your precious baby boy.

Ginny said...

Justin & Kristi,
I'm a friend of Nathan Heady's and he's been keeping us updated on you guys at our small group. We've been amazed at the developments and feel like we're a part of your story. We ask every week for an update. I have been praying for you guys for a while. I can't imagine the emotion you guys are going through now, but God is with you and has been from the start. I'll continue to be praying for you guys. If you need anything, please let me know. Even if it's a pack of diapers. :) Please don't hesitate to ask.

Ginny Hulshult

Anonymous said...

Justin, Kristi and precious Key family~
How my heart aches for your baby Addison's home going, but rejoices that her lungs are whole and healed. How my heart rejoices for your baby boy Jackson, yet aches for the grief you all feel. Isn't it the most amazing thing? That unconditional love that you have for your children? Bless you as you heal and love...your blog has been an inspiration and a testament to the love and peace of Abba Father. Thank you for your truthful and humble posts.. I will continue to pray dear ones.
Tammy Allgaier